Curatorial rationale
Graffiti is disobedient, exoticized, and stigmatized, but it's also an important knowledge generator that discovers, in encounters, a way to transmit firsthand, popular wisdom, and reflection. The democratic experience it seeks and represents translates into an understanding of space and the right to it. Moreover, it serves as a gauge to measure tensions and reveals interests in the habitability of the 'space for all.' The exhibition 'Iletradxs' (illiterate) proposes to look beyond the pictorial act or the feat of graffiti. It compiles its symbols, impressions, and materials as a form of dialogue with other perspectives, practitioners, and disciplines. Through collaborative encounters, it aims to delve into these dynamics made invisible by discourses of power. Thus, graffiti can be understood as an influential cultural practice, not just a transgressive and stereotyped act.
Texto Curatorial
El graffiti es desobediente, exotizado y señalado, pero también es un importante generador de conocimiento que descubre en el encuentro la forma de transmitir de primera mano, el saber popular y la reflexión. La experiencia democrática que busca y que representa esta práctica se traduce en el entendimiento del espacio y el derecho al mismo. Es además un termómetro que permite medir las tensiones y devela intereses en la habitabilidad del “espacio de todos”. La muestra Iletradxs propone mirar más allá del acto pictórico o la hazaña del graffiti. Recopila sus símbolos, impresiones y materiales como una forma de diálogo con otras perspectivas, practicantes y disciplinas. A través del encuentro colaborativo pretende profundizar en estas dinámicas invisibilizadas por los discursos de poder. Así, el graffiti puede ser entendido como una práctica cultural influyente y no solo como un acto transgresor y estereotipado.
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Eukarya (Flora DeNeufville, Ana Viteri, Jorge Ruiz AKA Paint, Luis López, Ana Segovia - Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Eukarya (Flora DeNeufville, Ana Viteri, Jorge Ruiz AKA Paint, Luis López, Ana Segovia - Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).
Exhibition view: Iletradxs - Cumandá Urban Park Photographs of Ana Viteri (Eukarya).

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